Zoomify Free Zoom for the world!

Make any image zoomable, no matter how large! Zoomify Free includes everything you need to start - drag-drop Converter, simple image Viewer, and template web page. And it works everywhere.

And Zoomify Free is completely compatible with all Zoomify products. Upgrade at any time for features like fullscreen viewing, complete Toolbar options, bookmarking, and slideshows — no need to reconvert your images!
Just 3 steps to zoom!
Run the Zoomify Free Converter and select your image file to create a Zoomify Image folder.
Edit TemplateWebPage.htm and change the value 'ZoomifyImageExample' to your image folder's name.
Copy your image folder and the files TemplateWebPage.htm and ZoomifyImageViewerFree-min.js to your webserver.
Or easily add Zoomify Free to your own web pages with just three lines:
The first line tells the web page to include the Viewer script file - in the <head> of the page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ZoomifyImageViewerFree-min.js"></script>
The second line is also in the <head> of the page. It creates the Viewer and tells it where in the page to display:
<script type="text/javascript"> Z.showImage("myContainer", "ZoomifyImageExample"); </script>
The third line creates the container element for the Viewer to exist in: "myContainer" in the <body> of the page:
 <div id="myContainer" style="width:900px; height:500px; margin:auto; border:1px; border-style:solid; " ></div>

That's it!

Zoomify Free Quick Facts

Image size: No limits! The bigger the better! The example included in the product is sized for quick download - view the demos on our website for examples gigabytes in size!

Local viewing: All browsers work great on the web, but use Firefox for local viewing (or Chrome and Safari with special settings).

Navigation: Click or double-click to zoom in or out. Click-drag to pan. Alt-click or alt-double-click to zoom fully in or out (option-click on Macintosh).

Web pages: Simply copy the three lines marked 'COPY ME' from the template web page into your own web page!

More features: Zoomify Express, Zoomify Pro, and Zoomify Enterprise provide fullscreen viewing, a complete Toolbar, bookmarking, slideshows, annotations, single-file storage, complete JavaScript source code, and more - view our feature comparison page!

License: Use the Zoomify Free Viewer with as many Zoomify Images and web sites as you like - no strings on your content! View our license agreement.

Download Zoomify Free now for Mac or Win!

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  Image credit: NASA

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